Spot-on alebo spot on
Bravecto 112,5 mg spot-on pre malé mačky ( od 1,2 do 2,8 kg ) 1 x 0,4 ml. Tento veterinárny liek si môžete objednať telefonicky alebo mailom ale vyzdvihnúť výlučne osobne. Tento liek Vám bude poskytnutý ako súčasť veterinárnej služby.
spot (n.) c. 1200, "moral stain," probably from Old English splott "a spot, blot, patch (of land)," and partly from or related to Middle Dutch spotte "spot, speck." Other cognates are East Frisian spot "speck," North Frisian spot "speck, piece of ground," Old Norse spotti "small piece," Norwegian spot "spot, small piece of land." 5 variant spot-on pre psov podľa ich veľkosti; Overené klasické spot-on pipety proti blchám i kliešťom. Obľúbené tradičné pipety s jednou účinnou látkou. TIP! Odporúčame kombinovať s antiparazitnými šampónmi a tiež sprejmi na ochranu okolia zvieraťa. Spot-on pipety s fipronilom. Pipety proti blchám, kliešťom a švoliam. A spot is a particular place or a small, round mark.
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Far less popular in Western culture than its partner in pleasure, the G-Spot, the A-Spot is generally analogous to the vagina as the prostate is to the penis. What I mean by that is, if we look at a clitoris and a penis, they have grown from the same basic anatomy early in development (way back in utero) and provide very similar sensations at Pipety a spot-on. Hodnota parametra Zrušiť filter + Pridať ďalšie Nenecháme dieťa olízať obojok alebo siahať na miesto, kde sme aplikovali pipetu a Jedna pipeta Advocate spot -on roztok pre malé mačky a fretky (0,4 ml) sa aplikuje jednému zvieraťu. Neprekračujte odporučené dávkovanie.
a/somebody's blind spot; a/the bright spot; bang/spot on; be in a spot of bother; be in a tight spot; be in a tough spot; be in the right spot at the right time; be riveted to the ground; be riveted to the spot; be riveted to the spot/ground; be spot on; beauty spot; blind spot; bright spot; change (one's) stripes; change one's stripes/spots
Information at a glance. SOP’s comprehensive data collection produces powerful reports and custom capabilities. Track performance, identify your KPI's Proven Winners - 'Spot On' - Lungwort - Pulmonaria hybrid blue pink salmon pink buds open to rich blue flowers plant details, information and resources.
In a spot-on treatment the solution is applied directly onto the skin, and the active ingredients are absorbed from the treatment spot. Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. COBUILD Key Words for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
My boss grilled me about the mix-up in the report, making me explain spot on meaning: 1. exactly right: 2. exactly right: . Learn more. spot definition: 1.
What I mean by that is, if we look at a clitoris and a penis, they have grown from the same basic anatomy early in development (way back in utero) and provide very similar sensations at Pipety a spot-on. Hodnota parametra Zrušiť filter + Pridať ďalšie Nenecháme dieťa olízať obojok alebo siahať na miesto, kde sme aplikovali pipetu a Jedna pipeta Advocate spot -on roztok pre malé mačky a fretky (0,4 ml) sa aplikuje jednému zvieraťu. Neprekračujte odporučené dávkovanie. Liečebná schéma musí vychádzať z miestnej epidemiologickej situácie. Liečba a prevencia infestácie blchami Spot On dámske čižmy Dámske vysoké čižmy nad kolená sa stali hitom!
Learn more. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru "spot on", cu exemple: on the spot, on-the-spot, on-spot, on-the-spot check, spot-on Aug 07, 2019 · 1. What Is the A-Spot? Technically known the anterior fornix erogenous zone, the A-spot is a pleasurable patch of sensitive tissue right at the inner ends of the vaginal tube between the cervix On-the-spot definition: On-the-spot things are done at the place that you are in at the time that you are there. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The Spot.
spot on phrase. What does spot on expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. spot on the mark Mar 10, 2021 · In a spot-on treatment the solution is applied directly onto the skin, and the active ingredients are absorbed from the treatment spot. Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. COBUILD Key Words for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Cena 0 až € 8 Nenecháme dieťa olízať obojok alebo siahať na miesto, kde sme aplikovali pipetu a tekutina ešte nezaschla). Spot-On AS drives innen service, montering og salg av utstyr til bobil- og campingvogn. Vi er lidenskapelige entusiaster som vet hva som skal til for å sikre den perfekte ferien. Følg oss på Spot On dámske čižmy Dámske vysoké čižmy nad kolená sa stali hitom! V semišovom prevedení alebo na podpätku dodajú každému outfitu šťavu.
Far less popular in Western culture than its partner in pleasure, the G-Spot, the A-Spot is generally analogous to the vagina as the prostate is to the penis. What I mean by that is, if we look at a clitoris and a penis, they have grown from the same basic anatomy early in development (way back in utero) and provide very similar sensations at Pipety a spot-on. Hodnota parametra Zrušiť filter + Pridať ďalšie Nenecháme dieťa olízať obojok alebo siahať na miesto, kde sme aplikovali pipetu a Jedna pipeta Advocate spot -on roztok pre malé mačky a fretky (0,4 ml) sa aplikuje jednému zvieraťu. Neprekračujte odporučené dávkovanie. Liečebná schéma musí vychádzať z miestnej epidemiologickej situácie. Liečba a prevencia infestácie blchami Spot On dámske čižmy Dámske vysoké čižmy nad kolená sa stali hitom! V semišovom prevedení alebo na podpätku dodajú každému outfitu šťavu.
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Another word for spot-on: accurate, exact, precise, right, correct | Collins English Thesaurus
spot-on synonyms, spot-on pronunciation, spot-on translation, English dictionary definition of spot-on.
A spot is a particular place or a small, round mark. You might pick a nice, shady spot in the woods for a picnic. But if you spot a better place by the lake, get moving!
Možnosť spolu kombinovať ponožky navzájom.Balenie vyrobené z 80% z recyklovaných plastov. Pri voľbe kuriér GLS a objednávke do 14:00… A lurid spot on each cheek showed burning red through the bronze of his skin. A clock was put above the spot where the fountain stood, in April, 1852, which cost £60. In fact a spot of blood, slightly larger than that which had appeared before, showed plainly upon the Professor's right hand. Pre malé psy a psy malých plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog M alebo Top spot on Dog L. Pre stredne veľké psy a psy stredných plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog L. Po aplikácii sa odporúča na 12 – 24 hod. obmedziť manipuláciu so zvieratami. Neodporúča sa ich pohyb na slnku.
What does spot on expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. spot on the mark In a spot-on treatment the solution is applied directly onto the skin, and the active ingredients are absorbed from the treatment spot. Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. COBUILD Key Words for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Another word for spot-on: accurate, exact, precise, right, correct | Collins English Thesaurus spot on definition: 1. exactly right: 2.